Page 22 - Buen viaje a Cuba. Revista Turística y Cultural. Edición 3. Idioma Español, 2021
P. 22
CUBA, a destination for
health and wellness trips
C uba is recognized as a health destination of which translates into excellent care at all times. On
the other hand, the country has kept in mind the
excellence, endorsed not only by the extensive
experience of its institutions and medical
specialists, but also by the country’s real possibilities importance of ensuring health care in all tourist
destinations. Cuba has a wide network of institutions
to provide health tourism services. Both aspects, throughout the country, which provide services to
when complemented, ensure comfort and customer travelers, among which we can mention international
satisfaction. clinics, thermal centers, pharmacies, to which are
added the institutions of the country’s healthcare
Every year in the world there is a growing number system, which have rooms for foreign patients.
of people seeking travel destinations in which it is
possible to combine personal or family rest with With all these strengths, and having as the perfect
medical treatments, quality of life programs and setting the celebration in Cuba of the 15th edition of
environments related to improving health. There the Health For All Fair, the Ministry of Public Health
is also a growing preference for health tourism and the Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos de
programs that include the use of natural products Cuba, S.A. are calling from October 17 to 20 to the
in medicine, as well as new drugs of proven efficacy 1st International Medical and Wellness Tourism Fair
and safety. (FITSaludCuba), which will be held at the PABEXPO
fairgrounds, in Havana.
Cuba makes available to these travelers the
professional experience and scientific development The Fair will be an ideal time to consolidate
of an entire country. The prestige of its health alliances and establish new paths in the sustainable
system and the warmth of its professionals are well development of this economic activity, with a great
known, with extensive expertise and sensitivity, impact on health, culture and contemporary society.