Page 12 - Revista Buen Viaje a Cuba. No.4. Inglés. Año 2023
P. 12
envisions change to
Smart Tourist Destination
O n the northern coast of Holguín, Guardalavaca On the other hand, the project also identified
beach resort is advancing on the path to
the circular economy as a way to reuse resources
becoming a Smart and Sustainable Tourist
Destination. To this end, after agreement with the local and reduce the negative environmental impact
based on sustainability. At Brisas Guardalavaca,
delegation of the Ministry of Tourism, researchers from work has been done on recycling containers,
the University of Holguín are carrying out a project redirecting textiles that are no longer suitable for
that takes into account world experiences and their room use and other means that take products
adjustment to the Cuban context. from the hotel to new industries.
When we talk about a Smart Tourist Destination, The results of the diagnosis will be a starting
we are faced with a new way of management, point to unite wills in the tourism sector
since not only the incorporation of technological and its service providers, in order to achieve
advances is taken into account. There are four more sustainability. Technology will also make its
main aspects that intervene in this trend along with contribution, with the digitalization of processes
technology: sustainability, governance, accessibility and services that range from reservations,
and innovation. We dedicate this page to accessibility through the operation of the facilities and even
and sustainability. the evaluation of customer satisfaction.
In one of the flagship hotels of this tourist destination, Guardalavaca and its tourist facilities envision
the Brisas Guardalavaca of the Cubanacán Group, the transformation into a Smart Tourist
a first diagnosis has already been carried out, with Destination (STD) for an increasingly near
interesting results. One of the aspects studied was the future, as Cuba has begun this path with the
degree of accessibility of the facility, which is currently first project in Cayo Largo del Sur. Currently,
of a medium level. Taking into account that, according the country is an observer of the STD Network
to global experience, 20% of tourists who arrive at of Spain, and is in the presentation phase of
a destination have greater accessibility requirements, its candidacy to be a full member of the Ibero-
this must become a priority. American Network.