Page 16 - Revista Buen Viaje a Cuba. Edición2. 2024. ING
P. 16
Islazul in beach, city
and nature destinations
I slazul Hotels invites you to feel at home on your
next trip to Cuba, and offers you to choose
from its many hotels throughout the Cuban
archipelago. Its beach, city and nature hotel
facilities are designed to please the most varied
tastes. The quality of the service provided, and the
connection with Cuban culture and idiosyncrasy,
are features that distinguish Islazul hotels
throughout Cuba.
Islazul’s nature hotels are fully integrated into their
surroundings, are environment-friendly facilities,
and are identified with the Masnatura brand.
In them, travelers will be able to enjoy rural,
ecological and gastronomic tourism, as well as
agrotourism, adventure and sports tourism. Perfect
for those who want to get away from the routine
and noise and bustle of the cities, these hotels are We suggest: Hanabanilla Hotel, Villa Clara province;
ideal for those who like outdoor activities such as Villa Yaguanabo, Cienfuegos province; Villa San José
climbing, mountaineering, trekking and hiking, bird de los Lagos, Sancti Spíritus province; Villa Santo
watching, appreciation of nature. biodiversity and Domingo, Granma province; La Gran Piedra Hotel,
the culture of local towns. Santiago de Cuba province.