Page 40 - Revista Buen Viaje a Cuba. Edición2. 2024. ING
P. 40
Rural tourism expands its
horizons in Camagüey
I n the Cuban province of Camagüey, several So far there are 13 farms and students from
the Center for Tourism Studies (Cemtur) of the
farms aspire to become tourist products in the
short, medium or long term, as determined by
undergraduate work in them. In one of them
the specialists of the Camagüey Rural Tourism University of Camagüey carry out internships and
project. For this purpose, after identifying the located in Santa Cruz del Sur, studies of the flora
potential, training is offered to farm workers and and fauna will be carried out, to exploit that area
they are certified as a hygienic and safe tourist for hiking, camping and research tourism.
product, and then marketing begins through
travel agencies. In another, named Las Delicias, agroecology is
developed, although its greatest attraction is
The Local Development Center of the Municipal the beauty of its landscapes, to which are added
Government is responsible for the management the varied gastronomic offers and options for
and approval of each proposal, since it is not only sport fishing or boat trips. This farm also has
about promoting tourism, but also about not a playground, a mini-zoo with exotic animals,
giving up food production, since planting will not accommodation services with vernacular-style
stop on these farms. cabins and a swimming pool.
Thus, the Camagüey Rural Tourism project, in
which the Ministry of Tourism, its Training Center
(Formatur) and local authorities participate,
recognizes farmer tradition and agriculture as
sources of cultural wealth. Opening the doors of
agrotourism farms to travelers will allow them to
experience life in the Cuban countryside up close
and thus immerse themselves in a little-explored
facet of the largest of the Caribbean islands.