Page 33 - Revista Buen Viaje a Cuba. Edición2. 2024. ING
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Excursionists will also have the opportunity to To enjoy the second excursion, we move to the city of
visit several museums, such as the Natural History Santiago de Cuba. The tour called Architect’s Route
Museum, with its interesting exhibition of Cuban proposes a walk through the historic center of the city,
fauna; that of Municipal History, where pieces where you can appreciate the vibrant mix of Caribbean
of indigenous settlements, documents and cultures that define this city. From the majestic Plaza de
belongings of historical figures are displayed; and Céspedes and Heredia Street you will reach the Tívoli
the Decorative Arts, which houses the largest neighborhood, a site linked to Santiago’s history of music
semicircular stained-glass windows in the eastern and culture.
part of Cuba. Other interesting stops will be at the
Casa del Artesano and the Fernando VII Battery, This route, inspired by the work of architect Carlos
which overlooks Gibara Bay and was part of its Segrera, initiator of the town’s urban progress in the
defense system in colonial times. 20th century, will show how his legacy is reflected in the
identity of the city and how his designs have influenced
the evolution of architecture in Cuba. Traces of Segrera’s
creative vision can be found in buildings such as the
Cathedral, the Emilio Bacardi Museum, the Government
Palace, the Imperial Hotel and the San Carlos Club. The
excursion ends with a refreshing cocktail in the Roof
Garden of the Casa Granda Hotel, in front of Céspedes
Park, famous for the impressive panoramic views of the
city seen from there, and which is also related to the
figure of the architect Segrera.
Travelers who wish to visit these two cities in eastern Cuba
will also be able to stay in facilities of the Cubanacán
group itself. In Gibara we suggest the Hotel E Ordoño and
in Santiago de Cuba the Imperial and Casa Granda hotels.
For more information about this and other excursions or
to make reservations, we invite you to contact us via email and to keep abreast of the
latest news from the hotel group, follow its social media.